DME - Dieter Miener Energy

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Energy Efficiency Consulting:

DME - Dieter Miener Energy wants to share with you all knowledge and experience in order to spread out green ideas and procedures!

No matter if you request an individual consulting or a lecture to bigger audience, we will be pleased to serve you respectively. We are absolutely aware that all countries and single applications demand a different point of view and we are ready to provide that to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your demand for such consultation or presentations. Here some examples for fields in which we have proven our forte already:

  • Energy savings in building design and insulation
  • Heating and cooling - without wasting valuable resources
  • Alternative ways of mobility
  • Profitability of renewables, considering national circumstances
  • Energy efficiency and saving in household and commercial applications
  • Electric applications of renewables
  • Feasability studies of individually planned installations

Of course this is just a small fraction of our capabilities. Please do not hesitate to contact us for your respective requests!