DME - Dieter Miener Energy

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Commercial Energy Efficiency:

Dieter Miener as TUV Rheinland certified Energy Efficiency Representative provides your company a full range of expertise in order to find measures to reduce the costs of energy.

If you add all your annual electricity bills, your expenses for heating and cooling and on top the fuel costs of your vehicle fleet, you will see that there is tremendous potential for your company to save money and to increase your competitiveness. No matter if it is an industrial production plant or a small office.

But within EU (until now even in Great Britain...) it is not only a matter of saving money. There is also the legal aspect to be considered. Please do remember the EU-deadline for Energy Efficiency Measures set for December 31st, 2016! Fines of up to 50.000 Euro are threatening!


Therefore questions are getting important as: Does my company need an Energy Efficiency Management System according to ISO 50001? Can this complicated procedure avoided by an Energy Efficiency Audit according to EN 16247-1? When is my company due for a re-certification?

Of course this is just a small fraction of our expertise. Please do not hesitate to contact us for your respective requests!